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Please Take A Moment To Read Our Rules

Tournament Rules

Tee Assignments

  • Men & Expected Champion — WHITE tees

  • Ages 70-74 — GOLD Tees

  • Ages 75+ — RED Tees

  • Ladies — RED Tees

  • Final Round, Championship Flight ONLY

    • Men - BLUE tees​

    • Seniors - WHITE tees

    • Ladies - GOLD tees

    • First through bottom flights will play the same tees as Day 1 and Day 2

USGA rules apply except where otherwise stipulated

Tournament Rules

  1. Preferred lies anywhere on the course except hazards and putting green — one scorecard length. IMPORTANT: Ball must be played from the same condition.

  2. All cart paths, of any composition, take free relief — one club length nearest point no closer to the hole.

  3. Perimeter woods on holes #5,6,11, and 12 are played as a lateral hazard.

  4. #16 — Any tee shot right of, or across, the water hazard is out of bounds.

  5. Free Drop — left on #7 away from the net area (stance plus one club length), 2 drop circles on #16 for any ball that is in the range behind the net or where the net interferes with the player's swing. Lateral hazards are marked by red paint.

  6. Ground under repair is marked by white paint. Tire tracks are GUR by rule.

  7. Monument behind #2 green is an immovable obstruction and a free drop.

  8. Tree wells are free relief only if the tree is staked. Newly planted trees under 6 feet are a free drop if they interfere with swing or stance.

  9. OUT OF BOUNDS is marked by white stakes or white paint and to the right of the lake on #16 tee shot. Left of #18 is defined by the driving range fence.

  10. Any ball striking power lines or support poles MUST be replayed with no penalty.

  11. Flower beds on holes #2,4,7, and 10 are a free lift. The area between #18 green and the #1 tee is not considered a flower bed and the ball must be played as it lies. The shell area by #3 tee and behind #14 green is a free lift.

  12. The embedded ball rule is in effect through the green (when the ball is embedded in its own pitch mark, the ball may be lifted, cleaned, and dropped as near as possible to the original spot no nearer the hole).

  13. All putts must be holed out

  14. Ties for the overall champion will be played off on the course starting on hole #1. All other ties will be played off on the scorecard starting with #1 handicap hole.

  15. For any ball lost in the rough — drop as close as possible to where the ball was lost. 1 stroke penalty.

  16. OB RULE — Drop ball in fairway in vicinity of where ball is OB. 2 stroke penalty.

  17. Please pick up after DOUBLE PAR.

  18. No spectators riding in tournament carts.​

  19. Reclaimed water tank on holes #2,6,7 and 8, and inside the maintenance building fence, are considered ground under repair. Free drop, 2 club lengths, no closer to the hole.

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